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PostHeaderIcon The Asheville Radio Museum

The Asheville Radio Museum

Aperto al pubblico nel 2001 da un piccolo gruppo di radioamatori, da collezione diviene museo didattico, dove persone di tutte le età possono conoscere la storia della tecnologia radio e stupirsi delle apparecchiature e di come si sono evolute.

Sono state raccolte e conservate apparecchiature radio, pubblicità e altri cimeli, in un museo orientato all'istruzione, con display pratici e una stazione radioamatoriale funzionante.

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PostHeaderIcon La Radio salva ancora!

Adilang was adrift for 49 days in the Pacific after the floating rompong fishing hut he was working on lost its anchor line. It broke loose from its origin, 77 miles (125 km) off the Sulawesi Island coast, during high winds in northern Indonesian waters on 14 July 2018. After a week, he ran out of food, lived on fish, and when it didn't rain, he drank drips of sea water he wrung from his clothing.

Using his generator-driven light and a makeshift white flag, he had tried to attract the attention of many passing ships, but either they didn't see him, or they ignored him. He drifted northeast with the winds and current over 1200 miles (1900 km). Then, when the huge bulk carrier ship MV Arpeggio passed within a mile of him, he tried to visually attract them. But, the ship appeared to continue along.

He got out his handheld transceiver (HT), and tuned it to a frequency that a friend had told him to use if he got in trouble [probably 156.800 MHz FM, Marine VHF Channel 16] .

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PostHeaderIcon Princess Marconi visits Marshall radio site

A princess came to town last Wednesday. She was dressed in sensible black heels, thick pantyhose and a silken neck scarf. Eighty-eight-year-old Elettra Marconi Giovanelli, her hair a soft nest of fading blonde curls, was visiting West Marin to bear witness to her father’s electric legacy.

The princess is not the daughter of a king. She is royalty by marriage, having wed Prince Carlo Giovannelli in 1966. But her father, the legendary Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi, looms large in history as the inventor of the radio.

Mr. Marconi founded his telecommunications company in 1897, the same year he sent out the world’s first open-sea wireless message.

In 1912, Mr. Marconi’s company acquired a number of radio stations in America, among them station KPH, in San Francisco. In order to create a signal powerful enough to cross the Pacific, a receiving station was built in Marshall and a transmitting station in Bolinas.

After World War I, the government sought tighter control over radio communication and in 1920 formed the Radio Corporation of America, which bought out Marconi’s holdings. Maritime service continued in Marshall until 1939.


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PostHeaderIcon A Remote Controlled WiFi Antenna Switch


This article describes the design and construction of a remote WiFi Antenna Switch for HF that is an order of magnitude more economical than any wireless remote switch available today. It is limited in its power handling and frequency bandwidth, but I believe it is of great use for most of ham radio operators.


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PostHeaderIcon Low-Cost 2,4 GHz Duplex Telemetry

by Reinhardt Weber, DC5ZM

The idee of this project was the wish puting my sat-rotor YAESU G-5600 in the attic avoidung two heavy control cables. This requires a radio controlled duplex telemetry connection for sending the key status and get back the analog values of meters for azimuth and elevation.

The project schown is an universal implementation with 4 digital und 4 analog channels for general apllications and is not restricted to rotors.


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