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PostHeaderIcon ARI International DX Contest 2024

ARI International DX Contest 2024
DX Results

Dear Contesters,
it is a great pleasure to present you the DX Results of the ARI International DX Contest 2024.
The year 2024 has been characterised by a good participation both DX and Italian. Overall 1624 logs have been received (compared to the 1433 of last year), 344 Italians and 1280 DX.
Unfortunately, the conditions were not so good. On Saturday were great but on Sunday condition worsening and high bands didn’t open even to Europe from Italy.
In the following pages you will find the overall results by Contest Categories and then, the same results, by Country and Categories to make it easier to see what your result has been against the rest of the world or within your own country.

Now let’s have a look at the results.

In the Multi Operator Single TX the lead was taken by SP8R (op: IT9RGY SP8ATI SP8BRQ SP8N SP9LJD) followed by K1LZ (op: AC1NU NJ5M K1LZ), which gains the second place, and which finishes again in third place. In the Multi Operator Multi TX 9A5Y (op: 9A3CFF 9A3BUU 9A3BVU 9A3BBF 9A5CM 9A5DX 9A7DX 9A9EE) take the first place while YU5R (op: YT2AAA YT3PL YU2NPC YU4DMK) finished second; the third place has been gained by 9M2J (op: 9M2MAD 9M8HAZ 9M2WAZ 9W8ZZK 9M2SPN 9W8BAT 9M2RSI 9M2DOC).

In the Single-Operator CW HP category John MM9I (op. GM0OPS) wins, while Plamen LZ8R (op: LZ3BB) finishes in second place and Nikolay LZ1NK get the third place. In the SO CW LP: the top place has been gained by Per SM2M (op: SM2LIY) while Todor LZ1ND and Darius SN5J (op: SP5JXK) gained respectively the second and the third place.

In the Single-Operator Mixed HP category Victor UW1M wins; the second place goes to Vladimir UP0L (op: UN9LW) and the third place goes to Al EU4E. In the SO MIX LP, Chaly UR2Y (op: US0YW) takes the first place, the second place was taken by Pchelin UA6GO while the third place was taken by Victor UT3EV.

In the SO RTTY HP category Atanas LZ9R wins; the second place was taken once again by Leif OZ11A while Bernard ON5GQ gets the third one. In the SO RTTY LP Arvydas LY2F wins for the second year Volodymyr UZ1WW that gets the second place and Laszlo HG5D (op: HA8QZ) which finishes in third place.

In the Single-Operator SSB section Mitrut YP0C (op: YO3CZW) takes the first place; Zafer TA3T finishes in second place and Dusan, YT8A gets the third position. In the Single Operator SSB Low Power category, Yuri UZ7C (op: UT9CZ) gets the first position, while UA7K and Senaid E73PS finish respectively on second and third position.




In the SWL category, takes the win Augustinas LYR-437, while Rafal SP7-003-24 finishes second and the third place goes to Stanislav LZ1G42.
In the next page you will find the complete results table and the operator list. At the end of the results tables you will be able to read what the participants wrote in their SOAPBOX: DX QRM!!
Next year rules will be published soon on the ARI website. No rules change is planned for next year.
The “ARI International DX Contest” contest could not be the same without the participation of the DX station, so thanks to all for participating!
Next year edition will be held the 3nd and 4th of May 2025, please bookmark these dates on the calendar!

To read the results in PDF
click on the image

Filippo, IZ1LBG
ARI HF Contest Manager