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PostHeaderIcon Un ospite di riguardo al CITS

Riceviamo da Miroslav Skoric, YT7MPB e pubblichiamo nella versione originale:

As an "IEEE" Senior Member and experienced amateur radio promoter, I was invited to deliver a tutorial lecture with CITS 2023 in Genoa, Italy. My talk took some 1.5 hours and was performed at the end of the first conference day. I made a small ad-hoc display of the ham radio gear I had there, including the HF antenna Alpha MIL 2.0:

Among the audience was the conference chair, Prof. Franco Davoli (first from left in the photo), who had used ham radio topics for his early-career research work. (We were pictured with two Italian hams who had co-authored those research papers.)

Thankfully to Gian Leonardo Solazzi and Carlo Paroldi, I booked a hotel room with terrace, in order to make some APRS and Winlink experiments during my stay in Genoa. Alpha MIL 2.0 was put on a tripod and guyed by Mastrant rope & carabiners. The rest of the equipment (SCS pactor & packet controllers, RIGblaster interfaces, MFJ antenna tuner and power supply unit, YIC and BadElf GPS receivers, Radioddity and Retevis radios, …) were in the hotel room.

I was also capable to open nearby FM repeaters at Mount Fasce but Italian hams weren’t interested in English.

My efforts to contribute to CITS 2023 and its success were recognized by the conference steering committee, and I was given ‘Distinguished Service Award’.

73, Miroslav "Misko" Skoric, YT7MPB